
Coming Events on Earth......The Church Must be Prepared

And he said also to the people, When ye see a cloud rise out of the west,

straightway ye say, There cometh a shower; and so it is.

And when ye see the south wind blow, ye say,

There will be heat; and it cometh to pass.

Luke 12:54


There are things happening in our days that if the Church could interpret them correctly, we will go much further than where we are now. They are so glaring that heaven must be wondering: ‘are they not seeing’?. One time Jesus said, “You people are like children playing in the market place. When we beat the drum you say you will not dance; okay, we say, Let us cry, you say you will not cry. You won’t dance, you won’t cry, what do you want to do” 

But in 1 Chronicles 12:32, we are told of the children of Issachar that they had understanding of the times, and they know what Israel ought to do. Where are our Prophets in these our days who should understand our times and tell the Church what we ought to do 

The Church is the custodian of the secret of the Kingdom. They said Daniel knew how to dissolve doubt, that he had the spirit of the gods… But see us. See how we are groping for spiritual Light. So helpless! The Prophets of old were the ones helping their government, it was not the government trying to help them.

The Things That Will Begin To Happen Soon on Earth 

The things that will shortly come to pass on earth. That’s what I want to share here. They are in raw data and your spirit needs to collate them; the way I received them is the way I will just drop them. They may not look related, but they are the same thing.

The way it came is how I wrote it down

First: Three Power Entities: the Church, the Government, the People. And I heard God, He said the People and the Government will gang up and isolate the Church. The Government and the People will form strong alliance against the Church.

There are some things you think is not possible, but always remember, when satan is involved, when demons are involved, there is no evil that is not possible; Unless the Ones you make not to be possible through he means God has provided. The Government and the People will form alliance against the Church. The Church is going to be isolated and outcast by the Government and the People. And satan will seek such time to strike the Church.

When we are atuned to God, world news don’t meet us as news. We’ve heard it, we’ve seen it before it comes.

Secondly: Where is the world going? What will the coming days look like on Earth? What is the trajectory. The projection is that we are going to Ungovernability. Complete Lawlessness. Demons will take full charge of the Souls of the multitude and the outcome will be Darkness. The projected outcome will be gross Darkness.

You see, the law that will be passed will be passed for lawlessness; there will be laws permitting lawlessness. You have to piece all these together. I said earlier that Satan will seek such a time to strike. But if the Church is found in fasting (I am not sure why this was the solution the Spirit is giving at this point), the Church shall stand and make gain.

Thirdly: But the world Christian body will be pushed hard against the wall. And instead of the fasting, we will be so pushed against the wall that the nominal Christians of this world, the Christians who do not have understanding of things will react, they will physically fight, and the Church Fathers will instigate them to take up arms to redress wrong done to them, and there will be Destruction and Darkness.

At the peak of the isolation, the Christian world will be so pushed to the wall, hard pushed, and then the nominal ones among us will rise to defend themselves and defend their rights, and our leaders will instigate us to take arm and to fight for our rights. And in doing that, we will tip the scale. Because we are not given to destruction, because by nature we are not destroyers, the whole thing will backfire on us. Imagine that you who are not cultured in the act of destruction now face those who are.

Christian Fathers will be so confused and they will give us permission to fight, and then we will want to fight, and then the end product will be Destruction and Darkness.

Fourthly: Real Islam as represented by ISIS is on our path. We are going to meet. We will meet in the world, and the outcome will determine the next one hundred or one thousand years of human existence on Earth. Whether it will be Light, or Darkness.

Know this: ISIS is the true picture of the real thing that is coming upon the world. That is the exact thing that is on our path. We are going to meet. It is unavoidable. And it is going to be a collision! And the outcome will determine the next phase of human history.

There is a race for the Souls of men, the meeting point of Light and Darkness is at the Souls of men. The adversary wants the Souls of men, but the Souls of men are the Precious Treasure of the Kingdom of God. The general Church targets the body and the environment in a social gospel. But that will not reach the Soul. Make the road good, sinners will walk on it to commit more sin. Let there be light everywhere, and the heart of men will be darker than ever before!

Fifthly: Still talking of the trajectory of events. The attitude of men towards God has a trajectory. We started from the beginning, God is Lord. Then Satan came in and we began to say, God is just a Creator. And as we progressed, it became, God is optional. And then, God is irrelevant. Now the next phase is, God is illegal. And if something is illegal and you deal with it, then you become an offender. There will be law against dealing with God.

We started with God as the Lord, Later he became to us just a Creator; and then it came to a time that God became optional. And God is irrelevant. Where we are now, God will soon be illegal. When we said God was Lord, we saw Satan as an adversary. When we said God was the Creator, we saw Satan as the Destroyer. When we said God was optional, we said Satan was necessary. And then when we said God was irrelevant, we said Satan was indispensable. And by the time we make God illegal, then Satan becomes the legal lord of the Earth! This is where things are headed right now in the world! This is the trajectory of our current Motion! But it can be aborted! 

Sixthly: The trajectory of event in Europe. The law is that without visa you cannot come in. But then thousands upon thousands in ships and in trains flood the borders. Will you leave them at the border to die? So, on humanitarian basis, you let them come in. You let them come in, they marry three or four wives, have twenty children per family, where the average European home has one wife, and maximum of two children. In fifteen years, what will be the demography? In twenty years, who will be the decider of who becomes president and who becomes what? So, is it possible that without visa thousands can cross the border? There arise circumstances that thousands upon thousands will just come in, without permission, in defiance, and the world will be helpless.

Seventhly: The trajectory: Very soon, Lawlessness will be our right, and Anarchy and Destruction will be the Order in the Society. The Lions will live, the Lambs will die. The Foxes will live, the Rabbits will die, the Vulture will live, the Doves will die; and then there will be a transformation! What transformation? Because the Lambs don’t want to die, they will transform and also become Lions. The Rabbits will become Foxes, the Doves will become Vultures, and then the Society will become what Satan wants it to be: Slaughter House!

Finally: Do I see Glory? Yes! But the path to it is hard, and men are not willing to work it, and most likely, if things continue in the current trajectory, a big Darkness will come and take charge for a thousand years before Light ever come again. But it can all be halted, it can be reversed; everything can be reversed, it can be aborted: But we need to bring in the Watchers and the Intercessors. The trajectory of world events can be recharted from the Prophetic Blue-print. But what will it call for? Massive reorientation of the Christians. The current mentality of the Christians cannot go beyond where we are now. We are stucked. Without a cause, a people cannot become daring. We have not been given a cause for which we can possibly give our lives. 

The next phase of Christianity is supposed to be the End-Generation. And it will only be birth through Extreme Intercession, Extreme Intercession that will also cause great shaking in the world. In the shaking, the Church will pass through Strong Pressures and Discomforts. Part of the reorientation will be that Discomfort is what takes us to our next level in God. Currently we are fixated on Peace, Peace of Ease. We want Peace, Peace, Peace! Our house is burning, but we want Peace. We talk of Peace so much, and we are looking for it from where it can never come. Which Government of the World has Peace to give?

Do you know that there are Governments of this world, now, that are using Bible Prophecy to make plan for the future? But the Church which is the “owner of the Bible”, we have no plan for the future. We need Massive Reorientation, Massive Structural Change to the way we do Church. And it is going to be hard. Why? Because of those of our Leaders who are benefitting materially from our current state. Also, the Extreme Intercession that is needed will cause great shaking in the world. In the shaking the Church will pass through strong pressures and discomfort, which we don’t like. All our songs about God has no suffering in them. All these make it doubtful whether the Church will stand with God to turn things around from their present trajectory.

Extreme Intercession; If it will ever come, if we will ever do it, it will cause great shakings in the world. The people that will alter things, they will not be the people who confront the world physically. In the shakings, the Church will pass through strong pressures and discomfort, but the outworking of all this will abort the Trajectory of the Forces of Darkness. It will cause the Church to advance in the ensuring Crises in the World. In other words, our transition into the Prophetic Positioning that will crush the emerging Darkness will be in the season of Great Crisis in the World.

If we do not see our opportunity in the Crises, we will go with the Crises. With the current trajectory of the Church life, we will get stuck and trapped. But before this happen, it can still be aborted. Call the Watchers, call the Extreme Intercessors. They will give us clear understanding of the times and tell us what we must do. There will be a massive heart cry to God for one thing and one thing only. And ordinary individual Christians will begin to take deliberate and spirit initiatives. And maybe we can get rid of some of these things before they come upon us. 


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