

I am sure you know things are really bad around. There are those who contend that though things are generally bad, we have our pluses. And that is true; but plus 5 and minus 10 is a really bad condition to be for a Nation blessed to be on the top-most top.

‘’Remember, O LORD, what is come upon us: consider,

and behold our reproach. Our inheritance is turned to strangers,

our houses to aliens. We are orphans and fatherless,

our mothers are as widows. We have drunken our water

for money; our wood is sold unto us. Our necks are under persecution:

we labour, and have no rest.We have given the hand to the Egyptians

and to the Assyrians, to be satisfied with bread.

Our fathers have sinned, and are not; and we have borne their iniquities.

Servants have ruled over us: there is none that doth

deliver us out of their hand. We gat our bread with the peril

of our lives because of the sword of the wilderness.’’

Lamentation 5:1-9

That is what we’ve come to! But it shall TURN! That is what I want you to know. It shall TURN because it is not how God planned that our Nation should go! It shall TURN because it is not in line with our PROPHETIC DESTINY in God as a people.

If you’ve ever wondered why anybody should be bothered for this Nation, why anyone should care and fight for the soul of this Nation, here is your answer: God has a unique role for Nigeria to play in the outworking of His End-time Programme on Earth.  Nigeria is by grace pivotal to the igniting of the massive fire coming upon the Earth for the harvesting of the precious fruit of the Earth. If you doubt that, it is because you don’t know Nigeria! Why do you think we’ve been targeted so sorely by the power of darkness which unfortunately has found our leaders ready tools in the execution of its destiny-destroying plans?

 Satan hates Nigeria because of what Nigeria carries for God for this End-time. Many who are not aware of this have been unknowingly used against our corporate existence.

 Right now, we are in a really bad shape as a Nation. Not just because of the general decay and directionless motion we’ve been thrown into, but because malevolent forces unseen hold ground and are silently rail-roading us into darkness and death. Hoping against hope we’ve patiently waited for salvation from the direction it can’t come! Our National psyche has been violently assaulted and dulled by poverty and degrading lack.

 We see men and women bravely facing daunting odds just to make ends meet, but oblivious to the sinking ship within which they operate!

 I know the ONLY ONE THING that will TURN our captivity as a Nation. I know the ONLY ONE THING strong enough to TURN back the darkness creeping in on us! And I can tell you this: THAT ONE THING is not the old president or the new, and it is not the old made new.

 We have to set aside the many shadows and vapours that often present themselves as our saviour! We have to look away from people who sets many agendas when in fact they can’t make one thing happen! It is not the constitution or the conference or the system of government.

 You don’t fight demons with cutlass. You won’t win. Politics, parties and ideologies are pawns in satan’s hand. He invented them. They are his game played in his arena! How can you win?

 I never see Nigeria disintegrating. The FORCE that put us as one will hold true to the end. But we are capable of inflicting unhealable injuries on ourselves while within the union! We are capable of massive destructions against ourselves while still remaining one entity.

 But that won’t happen. The tide will turn. It must turn. As I said, just ONE THING will get the job done. But it will take some brave souls to put it to work! That ONE THING is PRAYER! Yes, PRAYER. But Prayer of a different type than you are used to! Prayer as DEVISED BY GOD’S SPIRIT and packed as EXTREME INTERCESSION!

‘’And David was then in an hold, and the garrison

of the Philistines was then in Bethlehem.

And David longed, and said, Oh that one would give me drink

of the water of the well of Bethlehem, which is by the gate!

And the three mighty men brake through the host of the Philistines, and drew water out of the well of Bethlehem, that was by the gate, and took it, and brought it to David’’

2 Sam. 23:14-16a

 There is a string made of satanic stuff. With it the prince of darkness has bound our Nation to himself through many of our leaders. Those who will rise by God to go behind the scene and strike a blow on this string to sever it from its hold on our Nation, these are the ones our future awaits. And they have to come quick… night is approaching, the hour of the power of darkness nears!

 I saw Nigeria tied down from eight different points with Cables of Tension made from spirit stuff. God is calling for men and women to enter into EXTREME INTERCESSION to sever these demonic cables.

 The crises and tensions we have experienced are created by a pull on any of these cables by demonic personalities stationed on each of the cables!

 There is currently a plot to pull from multiple directions to cause a multi-focal simultaneous upheaval. But I saw men and women with Iron hand lay hold on the cables, yanking them from their spirit-roots and loosing our Nation from their hold! And the Nation entered into peaceful quietness to fulfill her God-ordained destiny to the world!

 Extreme Intercession! I hear those words from the spirit!

 Short and concerted, Death for Life! The travail to loose the soul of a Nation from chains! “Come before the LORD”, I hear! “Come before the LORD in Extreme Intercession”!

And it shall Turn!


 Of course there are many of you out there that this has nothing to do with at all. I am not talking to you. Why would I? You that don’t believe in demons or in Prayers! You that know all our problems and all the solutions to them! Is it not just Leadership that is our problem?

Haven’t we prayed too much already, by your learned judgment? So, I am not addressing you Please until you are able to give me one physical reason why we haven’t been able to find your kind of Leadership among 200million Nigerians all these years. Yet you say you don’t believe in demons or in plenty prayers! I believe that people I am sent to have heard me.

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    Oyakilome Akhimie / August 03, 2021

    Thank you sir for keeping us updated with the times and season. Not missing out at all. I am grateful

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    GB / July 30, 2021

    Great Piece! God Help Nigeria!

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    Your Name / October 22, 2024

    Your Message


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