
Christianity's Turning Point

Christianity is in a predicament. Here we are, carrying in our hands what the world truly and urgently needs, yet the world is not paying the least attention to us! Just like God poured Himself into Jesus for the Redemption of mankind, so Jesus has poured Himself into the Church for the deliverance of the World. Indeed God’s plan of deliverance for the World is restricted to the grace of salvation he deposited into the Church. (Rom. 8.18-21)


But right now, nobody is looking in our direction. We have totally become ignorable. What we command from the world is not respect, but scorn. And we caused it! We messed our chances. Divine timing ought to have been used for divine agenda, not personal preferences. For long, when the world was asking us for the real thing, we were busy entertaining them. We became comedians and jokers, toying with eternal weights.


And now, the World feels completely free to dispense of us as outdated, irrelevant and of no value. I was shocked and confused to learn recently that Europe is now considered a Post Christian society! We hear people freely talk of a Post-Christian era! What a fearful scenario we’ve come to! Right under our nose the mass of mankind is heading back into the age of darkness and lawlessness. The twilight of the Barbarians is failing upon the world once again. The horde of Hell is seizing the initiatives. Every where one turns what greet the eyes are moral fences crashing with lightning rapidity. Homosexuals walk the street in bright day light, climb the pulpit on Sunday morning and dare God to do His worse. The hours of darkness are here! We caused it!


The World is in acute need and shortage, but it doesn’t see Christianity as having the answer. The world senses the grip of the dark, sinister forces squeezing its very life out. Yet Christianity is not in its options of solution. Many have unwittingly turned to satan in their search for liberty from satan. We caused it. We were busy “enjoying ourselves in the anointing” when the sick World was looking up to us for deliverance. We turned ourselves to being the beneficiary of what we were given to give. We turned into show and entertainment what concerned the eternal soul of men and the destiny of the world. We had all the time and all the chances. The world watched us perform, but came away with the conclusion that we do not have the answer, that we are not different from other religions.


While the real cry in the heart of humanity was for something big enough to cause mass release from the invisible hold of satan, Christianity was busy displaying “anointing” and how people can fall under the “power”. We made into a circus what Heaven bestowed with awe!


For anyone with eyes, things are critical for us right now. We are losing our light and salt effects. We have toyed with a weight of glory. We trivialized and personalized and sectionalized what God bestowed on us as a Mass Movement to over-run the Horde of Darkness. We became independent of the Holy Spirit and installed ourselves as proprietors of spiritual enterprises! 


I believe Christianity is right now at its turning point. And it is not just that we must turn, we must turn right! Trying to impress the World with charities is not a right turn at this point. Trying to win the World by being like the World is not also a right turn. Supplying the World’s Educational, Health and Social Needs is no longer the priority. All that has become toys in view of the critical condition of Mankind right now, a condition that is so spiritual and demonic.


What these times call for is the release of a Massive Spirit Influence over the whole Earth, getting a big enough dose of the Spirit of God to crush the spirit of lawlessness, immorality and deception; Big enough dose of the manifestations of the Spirit of God among Men, a rampant diffusion of God’s Presence that chases Sinners even to their bedroom with an unhurried pace!


How will this be? It will be when we turn from our open air shows of vanity to our closet. From the surface, it is difficult to see what is happening to our roots. Green leaves can be deceiving. The true health of a tree is best assessed from its roots. We need to come away with the Spirit of God to see how far removed we are from the plans of God for these times.


This will be difficult to believe for some, but many of our programmes, especially those aired on television through satellites and cables, are actually becoming more and more counter-productive to divine agenda. They are serving little or no useful purpose whatsoever. Rather, they give us the false impression that everything is okay. Many leaders in the Body will need to retreat and re-asses their calls and their Ministry Patterns and Methods. We need to face our God in our hearts and let Him tell us what we have been doing.... whether it be to His Name or to ours.


Do not be carried away. The dew falling in your little back-yard does not mean the World is no longer in drought. Your supply, like Elijah’s, has been from a brook.  The Heaven has since stopped pouring down rain. The earth is under a curse. If you keep drinking the water of the brook and pretend that you don’t know that rain has stopped falling, I urge you to wake up! The brook will soon run dry.


The World we are called to rescue is in severe drought right now. We need to turn. We need to find again our Strength and Position of Influence. We need to turn, so that we won’t miss our destiny!


“Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear, and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.

As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent”.

Rev. 3:17-19


Lord, help us! Lord, save us!

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    Emmanuel Bargu Joseph / August 06, 2022

    How can I forget the quarry where my life was shaped and given meaning. All that I have become in the body of christ is a direct function of what I have received from God through source institute.

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    Olawole olawale / December 09, 2021

    I can never forget source gospel especially the word force academy.

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    Edor Joy / September 06, 2021

    I am awakened and challenged to realise that rain has stopped falling and I have been drinking from a Brook. Oh Lord please help your church.

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    Lauretta Oghenekevwe Esievo / August 16, 2021

    Thank you so much my daddy Fagbemi...I am challenged and blessed. I have been trying to reach you and regards to the entire team..

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    Your Name / October 22, 2024

    Your Message


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