
If you don’t die when you are supposed to die YOU BECOME A PROBLEM!

”There is a time to die” (Eccl. 3). And if you don’t die at the time to die you become a big problem! If you don’t live when you are supposed to live you become a problem. Indeed anything that misses its divine timing becomes a problem! If answer misses its timing it may become question. And when answer becomes question there is a problem. If solution misses its timing it becomes burden.

Hoes don’t cut tree. Cutlasses don’t mould heaps. Purpose, focus and timing are all critical in maintaining the order of life. Market place is no resting place. Soccer stadium in session is no place for quiet meditation. Purpose and timing run the engine of divine usefulness.

The Church! What is our purpose? What is the time upon us? Down the ages of our history in the world we seem to take certain things for granted; we seem to know things we don’t know!

Why are we, as the Church? It is hard to explain the circumstances under which the employee has given himself a new job description that is the direct opposite of his employer’s purpose for his employment.

There was a time in Egypt during which things were so good for the Israelites that no one was thinking or talking of leaving for Canaan! Some man of God once said that conditions in ministry can be so good, favourable and benefitting that you don’t want to think of leaving this world!

Why is the Church trying so hard to keep this world going? Why are we so bent on making the world a better place to live in? Has the world ever been better since the fall in Genesis 3? The Kingdom of Babylon was the head of gold in the vision of king Nebuchadnezzar (Dan. 2). The other kingdoms that follow are all of inferior quality, until comes the kingdom of the STONE cut without hand! Why is the Church trying to make gold out of iron? Why are we pushing back the coming of the only solution that doesn’t come with problems? Why are we delaying the coming of the Kingdom of God on Earth? Why are we working in opposition to our own constituency? Why are we setting goals that our Employer has no interest in? Why are we becoming a problem to the world? Why are we promising the world what the One who sent us to the world never gave us! Why are we giving false hope to the world? Do we now know the need of the world more than our Master who sent us to the world? Why are we replacing salt with sugar?

“Ten people were healed at our convention yesterday” Humnh! 100 people died the same yesterday in our hospital! What is the use? You have made 100 millionaires in your church while Satan has made a thousand liars and cheats in the first row of the same Church! You are working, no doubt. And you mean well, you truly want to help! But who sent you? What needs are you meeting? What is your call and mission? And from where, from who? The Church in my day has freed itself from its Head. We are doing things we are not called to do nor sent to attempt! We want to make the world better! Where did that idea come from? Can we? Have we? How are we going to make better what God has prepared for the trash bin?

We are the light of the world. Do we understand that to mean we are to shine into the world so that they can see the road to Sodom and Gomorrah and arrive there safely? Are we to provide the access into hell by our light? We are the salt of the Earth! Why are we turning into sugar and causing diabetes every where? Why is our so called light making darker the hearts of men against our God!

Bandits, Kidnappers, Refugees, Militants, Terrorists! Dangers on land, in the Air and in the Sea! Hungers, Zika, Homosexuals, Trans-sexual, Lesbians, Unemployment, Death Employment, Poverty, Wars and the massive sufferings of wars, Poor world Leadership, grossly incompetent Captains of the ships of Nations. Is the world getting better so?

All these would have really been no big deal, except the alarming fact that there seems to be NO CHURCH on ground to give Hope! Not the hope of better economy or of dubious miracles! But the Blessed Hope of the appearing of the Kingdom that cannot be shaken.

O, what vacuum the Church is leaving in the world! What silence in the midst of the world’s darkness! And see the enemy of souls capitalizing on our absent-presence and filling the hearts of men with fear and hopelessness!

If you see how weak America has become over the years, if you see how wicked and mean and terrorizing Iran and Russia have jointly become, if you see how confused the rest of the nations are…….. If you see what we are capable of inflicting upon ourselves in our mutual suspicion, fear and weakness, then you will understand why the Church shouldn’t also be confused at this time! Otherwise we are all doomed.

Ostrich, you may bury your head in the sand thinking nothing else exists out there. Or we can go on with our many side shows: Community engagement or involvement, televised donations to orphanages, construction of roads, repair of schools. Good! Great! You know we can justify everything and anything! Good. But we will need to face the weightier matter of the law! Table needs to be served, but we will need to face the weightier matter of the Call upon us.

Here is my proposal, Please consider it!

Instead of building more hospitals and donating prison as charity, why don’t we bring to Earth the One who can end all sicknesses and diseases, both of body and of soul, so that both hospital and prisons become needless! This is not only possible, it is actually our call. (Isa 40:3-5, Eph 1:9, 10). Second Peter 3 says we should hasten His coming!

Instead of raising one dead and burying 10, why don’t we usher on to Earth’s throne the Governor among the Nations, the Prince of Life and nemesis of Death! Again, it is not just that this is possible, but it is our duty! The duty we have set aside to take up assignments we were never meant for!

Don’t you see how far better it would be to have Jesus on the throne of Earth than all the confusions, fear and killings of periodic elections of weak and dubious human beings! Instead of coping with and praying against the gross darkness sweeping over the earth, why don’t we bring in Eternal Days by ushering into the Earth the Prince of peace?! United Nations is not united, International Monetary fund is itself no longer funded! Why is the Church joining these losing camps? Why are we involved with the world in their wars and search for elusive peace! Why are we cooperating with those who have no place for the Christ of God!

Ephesians 1:9,10 says the Church must create the atmosphere on Earth that will cause the return of the Lord to take over the Throne of Earth. Isaiah 40:3-5 says if we get the road constructed then we can get the Lord to come. The general thinking and disposition of the Church is that we are waiting for Him to come when He wishes, but in actual truth, Heaven is waiting for us to create the condition on Earth that will cause Him to come!


In Matthew 24:14 we find the following:

“And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all

the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come “


It is only at that point that revelation 11:15 becomes earth’s reality


“And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven,

saying, the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord,

and of his Christ; and he shall reign forever and ever.”



See the way it goes

 If the Gospel of the Kingdom is not preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations, then the End of this age cannot come, and the Kingdoms of this world cannot become the Kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ, neither can the Kingdom of God come on Earth. It also follows that He cannot reign on Earth as its King! (Matt. 24:14, Rev. 11: 15). I am sure you can see the grave implications of that!

Now if the Kingdoms of this world have not become the Kingdom of our God and of His Christ and the end of this age has not come, then the Kingdoms of this world will continue to be the Kingdom of Satan, the prince of darkness, and of his agents both human and devils! (Luke 4:6,                                                                                                               2Corinthians 4:4, Ephesians 2:2). If the Kingdoms of this world remains the Kingdom of Satan and of his demons and human rulers, then life on Earth will continue to depreciate and waste; conditions on Earth will continue to go down; all facets of human life will increasingly reflect the darkness. Why? With the enthronement of the prince of darkness what else should we expect?                                                                

Right now, before our very eyes, civilization and the gross masses of human society is sliding into darkness! The general situations of men on Earth in our days are becoming increasingly that of sorrows, pains, terrors and decay. But we haven’t seen anything yet!

See how the imaginations of the hearts of men are running wild! See unmitigated cruelty and wickedness running as flood in human society! But remember, where is all this springing from? On what does it all hinge? Death or Life to Earth; Light or Darkness to the people, on what does it all hang? ON A CHURCH going in a circle in a daze! 

We seem not to see or realize that the issues of planet Earth rise or fall as the Church determines it! Where is the starting point of the sequence of the Destiny events on Earth, where is the kick and steering of the ship of Nations: The CHURCH!

Does it take that much look to see that the current situations of things on Earth have long gone beyond Politics and Politicians? That Islam and the many other religions of the world which hold so strongly to the souls of men are parts of the brave but failing efforts of man to tackle the many woes confronting his very destiny?

I said earlier that there is problem when answer becomes question! The real cause of whatever the world becomes, whatever the conditions or states of men on Earth become in coming days; whatever our Earth descends into in days ahead, the real cause would be the CHURCH of God on Earth! Of course we have plenty of money to build hospitals, and prisons, and schools, and psychiatric wards, and lunatic asylums, and big, really big, Church buildings! But at the end of the day, I am not sure if what we are building will be able to stand the strange Spirits Satan is implanting into the hearts of men!


One thing will save the day for the Earth: A Church that rises up to create on Earth through Kingdom prayers and the preaching of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God an atmosphere that will cause the Prince of Life to come take His Throne on Earth! Of course there are a lot of preaching going on all over the place. But the preaching of the Gospel of the Kingdom is not the same thing as the preaching of the personal gospel of self actualization or the gospel of money making! When the Gospel of the Kingdom becomes our message to the world, the Kingdom will come!

Thy kingdom Come! Amen.


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    FGB / June 30, 2021

    Great Piece! We are helped in Jesus Name. Amen.

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    Your Name / October 22, 2024

    Your Message


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