
Coming Days On Earth........What I saw

Right now there are shakings going on all
over the world (Economic, Religious, Health,
Social etc) and THE DARKNESS (Isaiah 60) is
beginning to creep in, creating growing general
hardship and insecurity and uncertainty in the
world. The Governments of the various Nations
of the Earth will get progressively weaker in the
face of strange and unnatural challenges they
will have to confront in coming days.

The Church will pray! Not reactionary
prayers, but prayers received from the God who
will answer them. The Church will pray, or the
Earth will be set back into darkness a thousand

When the church prays, then will the Church
be fashioned in prayer by the Spirit into a
habitation of the SHEKINAR (Luke 9)

Then the Glory will come into the Earth
through the Body of Christ (The Church)
Gross darkness will rage in the world,
creating severe human needs and sufferings.

But the Church will manifest the Glory to the
world in its hour of intense suffering, and the
Glory will meet and crush the raging darkness.

As a result, there will be a massive harvest of
souls into the Kingdom of God.

Then the face of the Earth will change;
general conditions will reflect the works of light
and the atmosphere will befit the coming of the
Lord. (Ephesians 1)

Then the Rapture of the Church will take
place, beginning the count-down to the ending
of this present age and the ushering in of God's
Kingdom upon Mankind.

But if the Church misses this sequence, then,
the world will go into darkness for a thousand
year before recovery will be possible again.


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