
The Wonder of MAN

If the real you comes out and stands before you, would you recognize him? How would you feel getting to heaven and you are introduced to a dazzling, awesome man, who to you is an Angel, but actually the real you?


You dreamt. In the dream a lion was harassing a little goat. Then you woke up and started praying, that God should deal with the lion and rescue the goat from its paws. Unknown to you, the goat actually represented your enemy and the lion was you!


The average Christian is consumed with a victim mentality. Always seeing himself at the receiving end of the enemy's long rod of oppression. Is that the Man God made? Is that God's picture of the Redeemed

Man? The Man of Genesis 1 and 2 is not the same with that of Genesis 3. And the man we see in 2

Corinthians 5:17 and 21 is also a whole world away from the whipping weakling that came forth from Genesis 3.


What man are you? What we became in Genesis 3 was not what we were made in Genesis 1. But all that was destroyed in us in Genesis 3 was restored to us in 2 Corinthians 5:17,21; Ephesians 2:1-8 and Colossians 1:12,13.


"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth... and God said, Let us make man IN


in His own image... And God blessed them…. ”

Gen. 1:1, 26-28


"Now the serpent… he said unto the woman, yea, hath God said,…”? Genesis 3:1

"And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food…. she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave unto her husband with her, and he did eat. And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked..."

Genesis 3:6,7


"And the LORD God said unto the serpent, because thou has done this, thou art

cursed....(The seed of the woman) it shall bruise thy head. "

Genesis 3:14,15


Jesus, ". having spoiled (bruised, disarmed) principalities and power, he made a show of

them openly, triumphing over them. "

Colossian 2:15


"Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross"

Colossian 2:4


"Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are

passed away; behold, all things are become new, (because) all things

are of God..." II Cor 5:17


God made you special. You came in His image and likeness. But Satan re-made you through the

disobedience of our first parents. You became 'ANY MAN'. And any man can be anything!


And that is what many of us are familiar with about ourselves. The 'you' that is no longer special but just anything. Many of us can't see any goodness in us. The constant picture of ourselves that we see is the Satanic variant that came forth from Genesis 3.


Oh, men will cry when they finally discover what God put in them but which they never manifested all through their life-time! Many will beg to come back to earth for a second chance when they suddenly discover the life, they had but never lived.



God made you special. Satan tried to destroy your identity. But in Christ you became a new creation. The memory of the 'old you' must not suppress the reality of the "new you'! You must see to that if you don't want to be a wonder and a shock to yourself in the hereafter.


Many on earth today are living adopted life. Their real self is submerged somewhere within them, silenced by a dominant but borrowed identity. When are you going to awake to the dominant 'you' that matches God's dream of man? Some of us even boast of what is fake: "we are like that in our family. Anger is our trait. Hypertension is our sickness. And adultery is our culture" If you wait long enough, your shock will soon come, when suddenly you appear before your Maker and what He made you stands side by side with what Satan called you that you answered while you were on earth!


"For God has made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; THAT WE MIGHT BE MADE THE


2 Corinthians 5:21


You have ready excuses for being everything you are not, but you don't find God's Word enough excuse for you to live what you were made by Him. Well, it's over to you. But I am afraid, you are in for a rude awakening sometimes soon when suddenly you "cross the river" and land on the other side.


Here is what I am saying, please get it clearly: the drunkard you, the fornicating you, the dishonest you, the unfaithful you, the disorganize you, the confused you, and all the other YOUs that you are so familiar with, these are not the you that God put in you! Your borrowed weaknesses; your adopted life of no positive influence, these are not the true you. They are the variants of man smuggled into you by Satan!


And this is the critical question: Why should your entire life be acquainted with only the 'you' that is not the real You? Are you going to wait until you get to the other side before you know and have a taste of the real you? Do you want to be shocked by a revelation of your own self? Is it when your potential is no longer useful that you want to discover it?


Those weaknesses you parade are not yours. Your excuses for failure are not truly genuine. Those obstacles on your destiny-path which have stopped you dead in your track are not truly real. What you call cable barriers are mere spider webs. Your error of judgment in the assessment of your own life hinges on your lost identity.


You are Man! The image of the Eternal God. You are Man. The master piece of God's creation. You are not helpless. You are not hopeless. And you shouldn't wait until you arrive at the other side before you see that. Don't let your own life become a shocking wonder to you on the other side!


"O LORD our Lord, how excellent is your name in all the earth! ... For thou hast made man... and hast crown him with glory and honour, Thou made him to have dominion..." (Psalm 8)


I do not know the kind of man you've resolved to be by grace-lift. But whichever way it goes, the real you which you will see when you get to the other side is also available here on earth. He was made strong and good so that he could express the excellence and glory of his Creator. If that true Man never gets out of the rough exterior into which he has been squeezed. God will judge you for it, apart from the shocking wonder you'll also be to your own self.


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