

Living is weighty! That explains why people who live lightly never make any meaningful contribution to the upgrading of corporate human morality.

Life is short, and it has no repeat. Kicking off from the cradle, existence moves swiftly to summate at that final hour when each of us must face our Maker.

As one time Prime Minister of Israel Golda Meir once said, “We live in a very brief moment”. So true, “As for man, his days are as grass: as a flower of the field, so he flourisheth. For the wind passeth over it, and it is gone; and the place thereof shall know it no more”.(Ps 103:15-16)

Life is short. And the question is: What are you going to make of the moment. We must read meaning to our existence, otherwise our life won't make meaning to our time. Don't leave the assessment of your life to the great beyond. Be your own judge here and now. If your own heart has not approved of you in the present, it is not likely that history will vindicate you. History judges no one in absentia. Your life now is the template for your later story. 

This all boils down to where your centre is. For all of us, there must be something we hold to, to keep us from going adrift. The earth has pillars, you know. Great houses have great stand in their foundations. All suspended heavenly bodies have their centres for their rotational movements. A soul adrift is a soul lost. A life without centre is a life wasted. Your centre is everything if qualitative life is your desire.

Weak centre breeds weak living. Strong centre produces strong lives, lives with unquestionable influence on the strengthening of societal fabric.

Shifting anchors offer no security. What makes us secure must itself be unshakeable in moral strength. Weak moral points to weak centre. And what we value in life determines what we offer to life. And in many cases, corporate existence has become more rotten by what most of us bring into it.

It is tragic when nations are left to be ruled by men without centre. It is tragic when the destiny of a nation is in the hands of corrupters. It is tragic when potentials are locked up in the dungeon of leadership moral weakness. A ship adrift offers no anchor to its fellow. Those without moral standing cannot hold up a people and cannot make to stand the glory of a nation in the midst of the earth.

The world around us is getting more rotten by the day. The lives of our leaders offer us no strength of character. The songs and music of our youths are mostly meaningless and jargons, yet with a corrupting force that is clearly demonic! Our academics are muted. The business arena is crooked and corrupt.

Our clergy men and women look on as in a trance, dazed to silence by the money monster. We are a people with money and materials as our centre! Unfortunately, that is a very shifty ground. Your job cannot be your true centre. It is moveable. Your wealth, your friends, your position, your hold on power, none of these can form a true centre.

If God is not the centre around which your life revolves, you are a risk to our society. If you happen to be a doctor, then you are Dr Death, if you are a politician, then you are an Assassin. And if you are a religious leader in that category, definitely you are a Terrorist. Leaders who have no moral centre will be anything and will do anything. We see that every where around us.

Unfortunately, we are so religious here that the true sense of God has lost meaning to us. When I talk of God as our centre, I am not talking of a religious God. I am talking of the personal heart God who made you, sent you here on earth and expects you to come back and give account of your life. I am talking of a soul-conscious God who factors in your thoughts and deeds, the God who talks to you and whom you have personally pledged yourself to fear and obey, be it in secret or in the open!

If that is your kind of God, then you truly have a centre, and I expect your life to have great meaning and serve great purpose. Now, search your heart!


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