

Life on planet Earth has changed considerably in recent times. And I am not talking of the changes in transports

and communication; I am not talking of the structural developments we pride ourselves on. I am talking of the

changes most of us are aware of; the changes we feel, experience and fear… changes that threaten our peace and

survival as human beings.


These changes are global. They cut across geographical boundaries and racial classifications. They affect all people of all colors and socio-economic strata; changes not caused by individuals or governments, but by forces most of us know little or nothing about!


Educated men laugh when we talk of spiritual forces; modern man wants to believe that there are no higher power than the one he wield over machines and domestic animals. We often mistake our ability to kill cats, dogs and rats as the ultimate power that be on earth; how wrong!


Check around you. See our pitiable helplessness over wind and water. See whole region of our planet under water, see the years of war that we know how to start but unable to stop, see fire rampaging whole nation!


On earth today, we have more refugee camps than in the days of the cave man! Something we can't really understand is turning our land mass into deserts right before our eyes; the great polar mountains are losing their ice caps at rates we cannot understand. Our ozone layers are disappearing, our environment is being heated into ovens by the factories we cannot do without. Mankind is in a death cycle by the very things he needs to survive!


Yet, we don't believe in a spiritual world. We laugh such notions to scorn. To most of us, there is no God and there are no devils! I wish that is so, but unfortunately, we are surrounded; surrounded by powerful beings that are not made of flesh and blood; powerful beings too large to be seen by our microscope!


And guess what? Your very survival or otherwise has come to depend on your disposition to these spirit powers.

Particularly, satan and his demon spirits are on collision course with mankind. The heat is getting hotter.


The wicked shall do wickedly” (Dan. 12:10)


That is what we are beginning to see. It is manifesting in greater cruelty, in more and more violent death and wanton

destruction of lives and properties; it is manifesting in politics, in religion, in government and in socio-economic

arenas. It is manifesting as natural disasters so-called, in lawless behavior towards government, in moral decadence

and alarming poverty world-wide.


“The wicked shall do wickedly”


It is true that satan has always been wicked and cruel, but we are seeing an escalation of it in our days. Indeed, satanic wickedness has assumed a mystery dimension! We find in second Thessalonians 2:7 that the mystery of iniquity is at work already.


Mystery of iniquity is translated as mystery of lawlessness (Darby), Mystery of evil (Bible in Basic English) Mystery of wickedness (Goodnews Bible) and Mystery of the Evil one (Murdock).


The truth is that satan has switched language. He now speaks mystery. I cannot imagine that your reply to mystery is

English; satan is speaking mystery and you are speaking English and applying chemistry! What a waste! Medicine and surgery are impotent against the kind of satanic wickedness ravaging the world today!


Your cool and refined manner cannot withstand the brute force with which demons perpetrate their cruelty! If you don't carry fire within you, demons will plant cancer on you!


Satan knows you can't die of hunger again, you have crossed that huddle. But what of cancer? What of those mysterious accidents on the road? If you think people die by car crashes because the roads are bad, then check the statistics in developed countries where the roads are as smooth as glass.


You have money, you can easily take care of your health needs and hospital bills, but what of satanic deaths on the operation tables, or those caused by adverse drug reactions, so that the money and the doctors that are supposed to bring health become the channel to the grave?


You have all the money to send your child to the best of schools, but has that stopped satan from turning him to a

cultist or a drug addict? You have happily sent your daughter abroad to study, but that singular step has taken away from her the morality and virtue that could make her useful to herself and her society.


It is all about the mystery of wickedness! And you must be armed with a counter mystery to disarm satan!


“The wicked shall do wickedly” Dan. 12:10


“But they that do know their God shall be strong and do exploits' (Dan. 11:32)


The wicked shall do wickedly; you won't be able to stop that if you can't do exploit!


“Do Wickedly”


“Do Exploits”


Let it become do versus do! For the mystery of wickedness has its full match in the mystery of godliness! Jesus our Master warned us that life will run for us as parables unless we lay hold on the mystery of the kingdom of God!


“Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God; but unto them who are outside, all things are done in parable” (Mark 4:11)


The Newspapers are full of parables of wasted lives! The cable news channels are awash with the parables of poverty and violence and death and destruction! Don't get added to the list of those whose lives ended in parables of waste!


Satan is wasting lives and destinies by the mystery of wickedness. The wicked is doing wickedly; but those who are

armed with the mystery of the kingdom shall be strong and do exploit!


Satan's wickedness is by the mystery of wickedness. Your exploit against hell is by the mystery of the kingdom!


Daniel 12:10 The wicked shall do wickedly


2Thess. 2:7 Th e my s t e r y o f Evil (cruelty, wickedness) is at work.


Daniel 11:32 They that do know their God shall be strong and do exploits.


Mark 4:11 Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the Kingdom of God.


Your separation from current day's wickedness of Satan lies in your understanding of the mystery of the kingdom! The covenant differentiates you from the generalities of men!


“A thousand shall fall….. but it shall not come near you” (Ps. 91)


“In righteousness you are established and you shall be far from oppression, and from terror, for it shall not come near you” (Isa. 54)


“The enemy shall not exact upon him; nor the son of wickedness afflict him” (Ps. 89)


The mystery of the Blood marks you off from the path of the destroyer! The mystery of the Name of Jesus sets you apart from satanic afflictions!


The earth has entered into its final season, and it is the season of mysteries. The more you see, the less you understand! You see, any day any time, the natural bows to the supernatural. If you remain natural you will go under. Nothing on earth is normal again; if you live normally you will die cheaply!


You have seen the way life is going with you. What you may not know is that the whole thing is a manifestation of the mystery of wickedness.


You may not also know that God's Prophetic Word has set things in order from the beginning concerning you. The

important thing right now concerning your life and your case is what you know of the mystery of God's kingdom, and your frame of mind and disposition to them! Do you possess the frame of mind that can appropriate prophecy and mystery, or you are still busy speaking grammar in the face of death and destruction?


“Now the serpent” Gen. 3:1


That is all the problem you will ever face.


“Now Faith” Heb. 11:1


That is the greatest weapon you will ever find.


“Now the Just” Heb. 10:38


That is the determining factor in victory or defeat!


Gen. 3:1 “Now the serpent was”


Heb. 11:1 “Now Faith is”


Heb. 10:38 “Now the Just shall”


If Faith IS present, then the serpent WAS past, and the Just SHALL have the future! What confines the serpent to the past and gives the Just a future is a present Faith! Amen.


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