

Apart from thegeneral setting common to years as they come and go, each year comes with itsown unique identity. Each year carries its own special label and comes with itsown designed mission.


Events take placewithin the framework of time. Each year comes with schedules of events. As wetraditionally slate certain festivals for certain dates in the year, so spiritualevents that would have Destiny Effects are placed into certain days of a yearby Operators in the spirit realm! And the ignorant often walk into trap-dayunaware of what awaits!

In Genesis7:11, a long-scheduled event finally came upon the day into which ithad been programmed. And those who had the fore-knowledge of it were the onlyones that escaped calamity.


From the realm of thespirit Destiny-changing events are located into spots within the frame-work oftime far ahead of the time. In Esther 3, Haman was going to wipe out the Jewsof the Persian Kingdom. He already had his plans but he had to find the daythat would accept his proposal.  The particular day must be located in theyear into which such event could be slated!


He needed Diviners tolook into the year and check for him where space for such event could be found!See verses 7, 12 and 13 and notice how they had to take each month of the yearand each day of the month checking for any day that was vacant and conducivefor Haman’s design. It was as if a tourist was checking a hotel’s website foravailability of lodging date.


The diviners checkedfirst month, day for day, but it was all filled up, or unconducive; same withthe second and third months…..until they came to the twelfth. And checking eachday, they found a vacant spot on the 13th day of the twelfth month! And massdeath was slotted into it! And if Mordecai was not a man of the Spirit; ifEsther was not a proper daughter of Abraham; if the Jews had not fasted andprayed, under the mighty grace of God, they would have woken up on the morningof 13th of the twelfth month to a death that had been scheduled into that dateright from the first month of the year!


And the LORD spake unto Moses in mount Sinai, saying,

Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them,

When ye come into the land which I give you, then shall

the land keep a sabbath unto the LORD. Six years thou shalt

sow thy field, and six years thou shalt prune thy vineyard,

and gather in the fruit thereof; But in the seventh year shall

be a sabbath of rest unto the land, a sabbath for the LORD:

thou shalt neither sow thy field, nor prune thy vineyard.

Leviticus 25:1-4


Then verses 8,9:

"And thou shalt number seven sabbaths of years unto thee,

seven times seven years; and the space of the seven sabbaths of

years shall be unto thee forty and nine years. Then shalt

thou cause the trumpet of the jubilee to sound on the tenth

day of the seventh month, in the day of atonement shall

ye make the trumpet sound throughout all your land.”

Leviticus 25:8-9


As we have here, Godprogramming events into years far ahead of the time, so the adversary plots thefuture before it comes! Ephesians 5 verses 15 and 16 have that in mind for us:

"See then that ye walk circumspectly,

not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time,

because the days are evil.”


Genesis 41:29-31 isanother witness to this thought: Days ahead, years to come having theirpre-programmed events revealed far ahead of their coming.


What does 2020 carry?What type of year is it? What is its typical identity? Certain years come aseconomic year; some come as historic year, and yet others as political year.But what kind of year is 2020? What is its identifying mark?

Knowing, this is ofutmost importance to us. For it is those who discern the identity of a yearthat will profit in the year. Those who do not recognize the peculiar identityof the year suffer loss! What is more, 2020 is the determinant of this newdecade. As goes 2020 so goes the next nine years to it!


By setting andorientation (which had taken place many years before now) the year 2020 is aSpiritual year! This is its identity as designated in the realm where days andyears spring from! Knowing this isyour first victory in the year. The first implication of this identifying markof the year 2020 is that we must be very careful, extra careful, with it! Bothfor our opportunities in it and the dangers it carries, we have to be verycareful with it. The next ten years ofour life will be strongly impacted by the events of 2020. It is the tone setterof a strongly spiritual decade!


It is a year of strong strength and strong weaknesses! Wemust navigate it spiritually! In a spiritual year such as this, men and womenof the spirit gain heights. Spiritualists make gains! It is a productive year for anything or anyone that is spirituallyoriented….. spiritual things would be easier to access or perform in 2020.Events of the spirit realm will have amplified physical effects upon people.

It will be easier forpeople to attain spiritual position and obtain spiritual desires, whetherpositive or negative! Those desiring to walk with God in righteousness andholiness would find great grace for it, and those who wish to become witches orsorcerers or join their souls to the prince of Darkness will also find easychances for such! Why? 2020 is a Spiritual Year! And spirit things are enhancedin a spiritual year. Spirit steps will be richly rewarded. Spirit efforts willproduce much increase! There will be Grace for righteousness and also strengthfor wickedness! But at the end of it all, the balance of force will be towardsthe side of godliness!


Ephesians 5:15,16says we should “walk circumspectly” or “accurately” or “exactly”. 

In a spiritual year,the margin of error in the realm of the spirit is very little! And small stepseasily produce great consequences. Small steps easily cause massive physicaleffects. Indeed we have to walk accurately and exactly! No casual decisions. Noflimsy disposition. No room for low spiritual awareness!


"The days areevil” (vs 16) Yes, 366 days in 2020,and they are all evil! But we can buy them back from the darkness into thelight of the living! “Redeeming the Time”. Buy it back, ransom it, hold it untolife and good and peace and victory: day for day, month after month, until theyear is won!


In John 10:2 and 3,we find this very important spiritual rule:

But he that entereth in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep.

To him the porter openeth; and the sheep hear his voice: and hecalleth

his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out.


Don’t enter 2020 as aThief! Walk into it through its high gate! Call the Porter and identifyyourself as one born in Zion! Let them open to you the two leaved gate thatleads to the high places of the Earth(Deut 32:13). Those who sneak into 2020 will suffer. Many who enteruninformed will find that they neither have a place nor seat; No position norvoice in the scheme of things!


Elders at the gateenter by the gate. The rest of men have their lots decided for them. Those whoeat the increase of the Earth are not on the ground. The grounded survive oncrumbs, even though their portions have been provided for!



Many have sneaked orcrawled into 2020 through its many BY-WAYS. But there are those who rolled inlike a war tank through the HIGH WAY! Many who entered through the By-way wouldbe By-gone by the end of the year. Only the Highway of the year leads to theHigh Places of the Earth! (Deut 32).


This brings us towhat is involved in navigating a Spiritual year such as 2020. The story of Jobin the scripture is quite familiar to us. But the strong message the storycarries is not known to the vast majority of us. Job’s losses were enormous!His pains unimaginable. And I dare say that the message of God to us in thatancient Book is as big and far-reaching!


Job was struck downby the adversary. He lost everything. On top of all this, his Body and Soulwere wrapped in crushing affliction. His friends came along to comfort him. Butit was not long before words started going back and forth between the sick andhis comforters.


Job in his pain criedin confusion as to what he had done to deserve such sufferings. He ran a checkon his life and strongly concluded that he had done nothing, he was righteousand shouldn’t have suffered such pains. His three friends replied and laboredeloquently to pin faults on Job for his suffering. One of them said,


"Remember, I pray thee, whoever perished, being innocent?

or where were the righteous cut off?”    Job 4:7


Right from thebeginning of the Book to the end of the 31st chapter, it was complaints, argumentsand counter arguments. Then we come to chapter 32.


"So thesethree men ceased to answer Job, because

he was righteous in hisown eyes.”   Job 32:1


Job and his threefriends came to a deadlock. It was at this point that a young man who hadapparently been present and had listened to all the furore spoke up.


"Then was kindled the wrath of Elihu the son of Barachel theBuzite,

of the kindred of Ram: against Job was his wrath kindled,

because he justified himself rather than God.

Also against his three friends was his wrath kindled, because

they had found no answer, and yet had condemned Job.

Now Elihu had waited till Job had spoken,

because they were elder than he.”   Job 32:2-4


The breakthrough toJob’s suffering started unfolding layer by layer as this boy poured out for usthe mind of the Spirit! In the Words of Elihu, the Lord has shined His lightinto the mystery and darkness that surround Job’s case. And there are eternallessons we must learn and live by, especially in a Spiritual year that 2020 is!


"And Elihu the son of Barachel the Buzite answered and said,

I am young, and ye are very old; wherefore I was afraid, and durst

not shew you mine opinion. I said, Days should speak, andmultitude

of years should teach wisdom. But there is a spirit in man: andthe

inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding.

Great men are not always wise: neither do the aged understandjudgment.”

Job 32:6-9


From the mouth ofthis spirit-inspired young man, the knowledge of God and the counsel of Godtook hold of the Darkness and mystery of wickedness and dashed them against theRock of offence! Hear this Boy:


"Behold, I waited for your words; I gave ear to your reasons,

whilst ye searched out what to say. Yea, I attended unto you,

and, behold, there was none of you that convinced Job,

or that answered his words”     Job 32:11-12


"When I had waited, (for they spake not, but stood still, andanswered no more;)

I said, I will answer also my part, I also will shew mine opinion.

For I am full of matter, the spirit within me constrainethme.” Job 32:16-18


Job’s case is one ofthe strongest manifestation of the loss of dominion which happened in Genesis3. Also, in Job’s case, we find the range of spirit possibilities in which wecan operate as we navigate our way in a fallen world. It is such spiritpossibilities that come to bear as we face the spiritual entities that are theplayers in a Spiritual year!


Elihu locked into theWay of the Lord and unraveled for us the Power of the wicked one! He developedfor us the thought of God. He showed us the difficulties of God in comingthrough for us (Job 33) and the efforts and readiness of the Spirit to locateus into eternal victory!


Chapter afterchapter, Elihu shows the knowledge of God and the counsels of the Most High,and how our coming into that puts us over in life’s circumstances. And byChapter 37, the supreme greatness of God over any and every satanic show offorce is unmistakable!


"God thundereth marvellously with his voice; great things

doeth he, which we cannot comprehend.”     Job 37:5


Hearken unto this, O Job: stand still, and consider the

wondrous works of God… Dost thou know the balancings

of the clouds, the wondrous works of him which is perfect inknowledge?

Job 37:14,16


Awesome God! Situations?No match! Man, satan, devils? No match! He alone is God, and He is God alone!Let Diviners Plot the days and the weeks of the year! Let the Star-gazers settrap for the month, the Balancer of the Clouds will answer them! The God ofterrible Majesty will roar (37:22). Men and devils will melt! God has no match.But the problem is this:

"And now men see not the bright light which is in the clouds”

Job 37:21a


If we can see theBright Light that is in the clouds, we would see the naked lies of the Devil.


"Touching the Almighty, we cannot find him out: he is

excellent in power, and in judgment, and in plenty of justice:

 he will not afflict.” Job 37:23


He will not afflict!You hear that? He will not afflict! 2020, affliction? No way! My spirit rejectsit, my soul refuses it, my body repels it! If He will not afflict, then I willnot be afflicted. I stand with God in His counsel. 2020, no afflictions!


Elihu was stillspeaking when the Heaven broke loose! God Himself thundered and put Job and histheology on the spot! (Job 38:1). I thought God would say: Job, my servant, sorry for all your sufferings and losses. It was theenemy that caused it all and I am so sorry!” But check it out. Is that whatwe have?


"Then the LORD answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said,

Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge?”

Job 38:1,2


2020, the Spiritualyear. I pray from my heart that Satan won’t take advantage of us! By ourwalking circumspectly in the counsel of the Lord, we get victory over theadversary. As long as the counsel of the Lord is not darkened to us by falseknowledge and misinformation we stand strong against the waves of the wicked!


In a spiritual yearlike this one, your greatest asset is your knowledge of God’s counsel. Jehovahsays:

“For I know the thoughts that I think toward you……

thoughts of peace, and not of evil,

to give you an expected end.” Jeremiah 29:11


But do we know it? Imentioned earlier the critical message of God to us through the experiences ofJob in his trial. I mentioned that it relates critically to the fall of man andthe range of Power that he no longer command. In Job, Satan expended so much ofhis sting yet Job didn’t cave in. In God’s replies to Job’s bitter complaints,the way of God and His view of our current life are revealed. Unfortunately,the way we read and the way we hear have distorted the core purpose of God inthe whole project.

"Take heed therefore how ye hear”    Luke 8:18


Invariably the knownvs the unknown is the measure of power class here on earth! If you donot believe in mysteries or secrets, then the Kingdom has no place for you.


“….unto you it is given to know the mystery

of the Kingdom of God” Mark 4:11


“Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth?

declare, if thou hast understanding......

who laid the corner stone thereof…..”?  Job 38:4,6


You’ve got tounderstand what I want to say now: Ok, three (3) questions for Job; and if youare looking at these verses casually, you would be thinking, “Wow! God has set hard questions for Job.He can never pass”


But is that all Godwas doing here? Was God trying to let Job see how great He is by asking him bigquestions? No! not at all! Take a look at the 3 questions in verses 4, 5 and 6.Which one is really difficult to answer for Job?


Q1. Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?

A. I was nowhere, sir.


Q2. Who laid the measures thereof?

A. You, sir. (because you told me so in question 1 above)


Q3. Who laid the cornerstone thereof?

A. You sir, (who else can do such things)


Now you can see thatthe thing in God’s mind wasn’t question and answer per se! in theself-explanatory and self-answering questions that God was hauling at Job,mysteries of life were being reeled out, so that the generations coming wouldnot suffer such hellish affliction as we saw in Job! Oh, what marvelous thingwe have revealed to us in these words of the Most High!


"Hell is naked before God and Destruction has no covering” Job 26:6


This is the exactthing God is imparting to us in His response to Job’s confusion and complaints!Those were not questions and answers sessions but God revealing to us theunderlying principles upon which the Earth was set up and the mysteriousordinances by which it is operated and maintained!


Certain of theseordinances are available to man for his rule on Earth. The conditions of theEarth and the situations of our living in it under the fall are truly hash!Job’s case proves that. But we are not helpless!


“Knowest thou the ordinances of heaven?

canst thou set the dominion thereof in the earth?”  Job 38:33


Yes sir, if you showme!


"Shew me thy ways, O LORD; teach me thy paths.”  Psalm 25:4


“That which I see not teach thou me…”  Job 34:32


There are thosecategory of people that we find in Job 24:13


“.....Those that rebel against the light….”


How can such peoplefind their ways in this dark world?


But let’s go back toJob 38. If your battle is against the Darkness, then the Light must be yourweapon.


Vs 4 tells us that the Earth has foundations. And Micah 6:2supports that: “Hear ye, O mountains…..and ye strong foundations of theEarth….."


The Earth hasfoundations and they can be addressed! In the course of our Destiny Journey wecome to those critical junctions where we need to lift up our voice and addressthe foundations of the Earth. The strength of this revelation is the eternaltruth that when God set the foundations of the Earth, it was right, it wasgood, it was faultless, and no cracks! So then, I can look into my currentsituations and re-set things based upon the setting that was done by God at thevery beginning!


I can tell you this:Life responds very strongly to the Beginning Word! Life shapes up when thepresent is subjected to the Beginning! Situations of the present has greatrespect to the situation of the Beginning. How it was when God started it isalways a force with which to correct how it becomes when satan touches it!


Setting “theNow” right with the Force of “the Then” is a tool, a weapon that is available to usto make life right.


You can call theFoundations of the Earth to witness for you! Ask them: Is this the way it wasat the Beginning? And they will answer you Yes or No. Then, taking your bearingfrom the Beginning, you can reset the present using the Beginning.

In verse 5, we seethat God measured the Earth. He weighed it. He calculated every aspect of itssetting. He measured out the Resources of Power, of Strength, of Wealth, andmade rooms for surplus, that no one coming into the Earth should lack any meansfor the fulfilment of Destiny!


“He loveth righteousness and judgment:

the earth is full of the goodness of the LORD.”   Psalm 33:5


O LORD, howmanifold are thy works! in wisdom

hast thou made them all: the earth is full of thy riches.”   Psalm 104:24


Now hear this (verse6): The Earth has its Corner stone! This is altogether so important. Rememberthat in Psalm 82:5, God sat in judgment against the Guardians of the Earth andcharged them with negligence of duty:


“They know not, neither will they understand;

they walk on in darkness: all the foundations of the earth

are out of course.”   Psalm 82:5


When the foundationshifts, the cornerstone becomes the point of reference for perfect reset. TheEarth has its Corner Stone. It is the center-point of Eternal Order. Theuntouched Point for the setting of bearing for perfect restoration!


Babylonian forcessacked Jerusalem and burnt down the wall to their foundations. The Temple ofGod was reduced to rubbles, God’s House of prayer where His people met withHim. But when it was time for the restoration of God’s holy city and theTemple, getting the point of bearing for Perfect restoration was a criticalstep. They dare not build to pattern! They dare not commence until the ancientfoundations and Corner Stone had been located.


Then the Prophetscame through with God. Then Zerubbabel and his men set out for the work. Thepoint at which the chief corner stone was located was their Breakthrough point.And from that point the restoration of the Temple was a foregoneconclusion. (Zech 4)


You see, the DNAcontaining within it the Blue Print for the entire universe is hidden in the CornerStone of the Beginning Creation. The Earth in all its parts can, and shall berestored perfectly to its original design. This is the secret power offoundations and Corner Stone. They are the eternal reference Point of Renewaland Restructure and Restoration! When Zerubbabel found the corner stone, yearsof waste and desolation were perfectly restored! Those who reject the cornerstone build in rain.


In Revelation 21:14,the foundations of the New Jerusalem bear the Names of the 12 Apostles of ourLord. I asked the Holy Spirit: What Name was inscribed in the foundations ofthe Earth when it was founded? He said: check Revelation 19:13. The Eternal Sonof the Living God has from the Beginning undertaken to uphold the Earth! Hepledged Himself to uphold the world. He stands in the foundations of the Earthas the Corner Stone thereof. Yes, the Corner Stone of creation is none other butthe Christ of God!



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